Monday, September 30, 2019

Donation of 18 Portable Nebulizers to the City Health Office

Rotary Club of Ormoc donated 18 Portable Nebulizers to the LGU of Ormoc through the City Health Office. Said nebulizers shall be assigned to district/ barangay health centers for the use of their residents who have asthma. Nebulizer is an effective asthma treatment.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Last Feeding Program for the Month of September 2019 at Sumangga Elementary School

The Joy of Giving. 

Rotary of Club of Ormoc conducted its last feeding program at Sumangga for the Month of September 2019. Some Rotarians and spouses assisted in the distribution of food. Our sincerest thanks to the donor of this feeding program, Mr. Sheevam of Rotary Club of Sunset - Crestwood.

Rotary Club of Ormoc joins the Ormoc City Free Tour in Celebration of the Tourism Month

September 21, 2019

Together, we help our city improve its tourism industry!

Rotarians and spouses joined the first run of the Ormoc City Free Morning Tour not as local tourists but observers. Most of the rotarians and spouses are travellers themselves. They've been to different places thus a good source of ideas/suggestions when it comes to tourism. The objective is to identify the areas of improvement in organizing local tours. One of the thrusts of the present administration is to boost tourism. Thus, it is high time we level up and be at par with the other cities who do local tours in a well-organized manner.  One of Rotary's areas of focus is Economic and Community Development. This activity will help the Rotary Club of Ormoc identify the gaps and how some gaps can be bridged with the help of the club.

Areas of improvement in conducting local tours in Ormoc are as follows ( special thanks to Rina Rodriguez, spouse of PDG Perok who consolidated and listed/ took notes of all our comments/ observations/ feedback. Other Contributors: Rtrn Rex Tan and Spouse Verna, Rtrn  Leo Zaldivar and spouse Nikki, spouse Daryl and President Maricel Ngo)

1) Suggested itinerary to reduce the time spent by tourists inside the bus. Provide the tourists with experience such as Salad Snacks in Cabintan, Lunch at Lake Danao to taste our "tab-sisig", free pineapple tasting/ sampling at Biliboy, and stop at the picturesque site to witness the beautiful Ormoc Sunset.
2) Research more on the tourists destinations, present facts/ statistics about locations / history/ industry unique or found in Ormoc ( pineapple industry, geothermal, relocation sites, JICA, etc). Prepare a script and train potential tour guides to master it. Do a story-telling style.
3) Identify instagrammable spots in each stop.
4) Offer welcome drink at the Ormoc City Museum, how about offering our tourists with sugarcane juice?
5) How about having a bike tour suggested by Rotarian Rex Tan.
6) and Many more...

Rotary Club of Ormoc will present all these suggestions/ feedback/ comments to the Chairman of the City Tourism Committee, our PDG Perok Rodriguez.

Yep, we are holding Ormoc City Brochure

Excited to go and experience local tour

At Biliboy Pineapple Plantation

Selfie with Spouse Daryl
At Heaven's Peak

Rotary Club of Ormoc , OSPA-FMC Rotaract and St. Paul's INTERACT join the 2019 Beachurero - Coastal Clean up

September 21, 2019

Rotary Club of Ormoc together with its ROTARACT Club led by its President, Roie Cabaluna and St. Paul's INTERACT joined the 2019 Beachurero. 

The Beachurero is a flagship environmental project of NULOC. It was launched 14 years ago. It has brought 2,237 volunteers together.

Rotary Club of Ormoc also donated IDs and Registration forms to the organizer, NULOC.

Txt from the organizer and response of RCO.

Good evening! Let us go beyond the one day Beachurero activity. Pls share with us your answers on the ff statements. Magamit ni nato to plan effective IECs for solid waste mgt.
1. The good thing about activities like the Beachurero is A LOT OF GROUPS/SOCIO CIVIC ORGS/ SCHOOLS PARTICIPATED
2. Successful ang Beachurero kay DAGHAN NI APIL
3. Ang puedi pa ma improve sa Beachurero kay MAKE IT A MONTHLY OR QUARTERLY EVENT
4. Inig ka human sa Beachurero, maayo unta kung POST MEETING FOR FUTURE IMPROVEMENT SA EVENT

Sunday, September 22, 2019

September 2019 - Feeding @ Sumangga Elementary School

September 20, 2019

What's in the MENU?  Arrozcaldo !

Rotary Club of Ormoc together with the City Health Office staff joined the feeding program with over 180 elementary students. Ms. Perez, Sumangga Elementary School Principal, assisted RCO members and conducted a short briefing to students regarding proper table manners and hand washing before eating.

Monday, September 16, 2019

WASH Project Kick-off - Linao Elementary School in Ormoc as school beneficiary

Sept 16, 2019- Ocular Inspection for the WASH Project Kick-off

Rotary Club of Ormoc is one of the four clubs who is chosen to be the club beneficiary of the Global Grant by Rotary Club of Paseo de Roxas. The Global Grant Title is " Synergy in Rotary - Building Dreams, Building Hopes and Building Gifts to the World"

Engr. Gibo of Rotary Club of Dagupan is the project leader who had a tough schedule this week. His agenda is to do ocular inspection in the chose school of the club beneficiary ( RCO chose Linao Elementary School) and present to the club beneficiary the construction details and the timeline of this project which will commence on Nov 15, 2019 with 10-day construction period of the 4 comfort rooms, 2 for female and 2 for male using a modern design and installation of the UV Filter and tank for the rain water.

Inauguration is tentatively scheduled before the Christmas break this year. Special thanks to the Rotary Club of Paseo de Roxas, RC Taichung Tatong and RC Hsi Jeing of South Korea.

Schedule of Rtn / Engr Gibo for 
16 Sept 2019 ( Monday )
 Supercat : Cebu Ormoc 515 am to 810 am

To meet up with RC Ormoc and proceed to Linao ES in Ormoc.  

He will also coordinate with you on the other construction details. 

17 Sept 2019 ( Tuesday)

Supercat = Ormoc to Cebu 715 am to 10

Then he’ll meet up with Pres Ken of RC Cebu Fuente before heading back Clark ( he is from RC Dagupan East )

Donation of IDs and Registration Forms to BEACHURERO ( Coastal Cleaning)

Sept 12, 2019 - Rotary Club of Ormoc donated registration forms and IDS to the organizers of Beachurero reprented by NULOC president Aileen Suarez-Aviles, the Coastal Clean-up. Rotaract of OSPA shall participate as volunteers for the said event on Sept 21, 2019.

2nd Regular Meeting in September 2019

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

RCO's participation in Rtrn. and BGen Jun Mendoza's farewell visit

September 10, 2019 - Farewell visit for BGen Jun Mendoza, a former member of Rotary Club of Ormoc. He used to be the Committee Chairman of RCO's Service Projects, a dedicated and inspiring Rotarian. Congratulations Sir Jun to your retirement.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Regular Meeting - September 6, 2019

 Enhancing Members' Experience Program - Talk on Japan's Aging Population and its effect on Agriculture by Prof. Lawrence Liao of Hiroshima University

Professor Lawrence Liao, professor from Hiroshima University, visited Rotary Club of Ormoc to talk about the aging population of Japan and its effect on their agriculture. It was an enriching activity for Rotarians and spouses.  Japan already has one of the world's lowest birth rates.

This is one of the club's programs to increase retention among members. Community service coupled with various talks on topics relevant and new to the members' professions/ expertise can enhance member's experience thus results to more active members.

Good news is Prof. Lawrence Liao is a member of HIROSHIMA PHILIPPINES SOCIETY. They are looking for local partners in Ormoc to course through their school supplies donation for poor students. In Cebu, their partner is ZONTA, a global organization for women.

Feeding Program - Sumangga Elementary School

September 6, 2019- Feeding program for Sumangga Elementary School Students

Sumangga Elementary School is located at the remote area of Ormoc CITY. Many students  belong to indigent family and scarcity of food due to poverty is one of their biggest problems.

Beneficiaries : 170 students, 30 of which are malnourished.
Started:  Last August 2018, every Friday 
Food Preparation : Done by parents of our beneficiary - students
Menu : Arroz Caldo, Lomi,Landang, Champorado with Bread, Spaghetti
Budget : P1300 to 2000/ feeding, depends on the menu
Funds: From the generous members of Rotary Club of Ormoc. 
Contact Person: Mary Vale O. Perez, School Principal 

This day's feeding program is sponsored by the two lady Rotarians who celebrated their birthday on the same day. Thank you Past Assistant Governor Sandra Chiong and Past President Jovie Aviles.