Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rotary Club of Ormoc supports Anti-Smoking Campaign of Ormoc City

Rotary Club of Ormoc supports the Anti-Smoking Campaign of Ormoc City by donating billboards promoting said campaign. Anti-Smoking billboards are mounted in the strategic locations in Ormoc City including the Port of Ormoc.

Last December 9, 2019, the Local Government of Ormoc invited the club to join in the presentation of the RED ORCHID AWARD bagged by the city for the 2nd time. Red Orchid Award or the Search for 100% Tobacco-Free Environment has continued to be a major gain for achiving smoke-free environments. This strategy is an incentive program that recognizes exemplary work of local government units (LGUs). The winners are judged based on the strength of the comprehensive efforts to implement the 100% smoke - free environments using the WHO EMPOWER initiative.

The club is an active member of the Ormoc City Anti-Smoking Task Force ( OCASTF ) who is championed by our Past President Edmund B. Kierulf, who is also the Ormoc City Health Officer.


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